2. Mail

In this chapter we explain how to use the Kopano Mail application. After reading this chapter, you will be able to send a mail message, manage your mailbox and share folders with your colleagues.

2.1. Sending Mail messages

  1. Select the New message button in the Main Toolbar.
  2. To add a recipient, either add their email address in the TO, CC, or BCC field manually, or select a person from the Address Book.
  3. Attachments can be added to the email by selecting the PaperClip button.
  4. The email can be marked as high or low priority by clicking on the according symbols or the gear icon next to them.
  5. The current state of email can be saved by selecting the FloppyDisk button. After an email is saved, it is stored in the Drafts folder.
  6. Enter your text message and, once ready, click on Send


The BCC (as well as the From) field is hidden by default, but can be enabled by clicking the according symbols.

2.1.1. Send email to distribution list

You can add a distribution list in the same way you add a contact. More information about creating distribution lists can be found in the section Distribution Lists. It is also possible to expand a distribution list. With expanding, the name of the distribution list will disappear and you will be able to see all the users that were originally member of the distribution list. To expand the distribution list click on the + sign next to the distribution list.

2.1.2. Edit as New Message

You can re-use a mail message from any folder as if it was a new message for further customization:

  1. Go to the folder containing the mail you want to use
  2. Right-click on the mail
  3. Select the option “Edit as New Message”

2.2. Managing the Mailbox

The Kopano WebApp stores the mails inside folders. There are two kinds of folders that are present in your mailbox. The first one are default folders. These are required for the mailbox to function such as Inbox, Sent Items, Drafts or Deleted Items. Therefore it is not possible to rename, move or delete these. The second one are normal folders. These folders can be arranged according to your needs. Creating, moving, renaming, copying or deleting (sub) folders is accessible by right-clicking on the Folder Navigation Pane.


Your administrator can select the language in which the default folders can be named.

2.2.1. Deleting items

The Deleted Items folder is where all deleted mails and deleted folders can be found. It can be emptied by using the right mouse button, and selecting option Empty folder from the context menu.

2.2.2. Restoring items

It can happen that an mail is deleted by accident. By default all deleted mails are stored in the Deleted Items folders and from there, they can be restored. However it’s possible that the deleted mail cannot be found there either. In that case you can still recover it by using the soft delete function:

  1. Right-click on any folder from the hierarchy, for example the ‘Deleted Items’ folder
  2. Select the “Restore Items” button from the context menu
  3. Select a message to restore it from the list and click on “Restore”

If you can’t find the wanted item in the restoring dialogue, then it is unfortunately lost. Contact your administrator to see other restore options are available.


By selecting multiple items (hold ctrl and select multiple items), you are able to restore multiple items. Select multiple items and then press the “Restore” button.


When you use Shift-Delete, the mail won’t be available from the ‘Deleted Items’ folders. You’ll have to perform the instruction above from the original locations.


The button “Permanent delete” and “Delete all” are, as its name indicates, the functions to permanently delete mails from your mailbox.

2.3. Sharing Folders

You can share folders inside your mailbox and set permissions allowing other users to create,read,edit or delete items on this folder. The instructions below explains how to set it up. Next to this, it is also possible to allow coworkers to work on your behalf. More information on this is provided in the chapter Delegates.

  1. Right-click on the folder you want to share.
  2. Click on Add. The Adress Book opens.
  3. Select the person (or group) to give permissions to and click Ok
  4. Choose a Permission Profile or set the Permissions you want to grant.
  5. Click on OK to save.

2.3.1. Public Folders

A special part of the folder hierarchy is dedicated to Public Folders. A public folder is a folder visible to all users that have access to it. The owner of a public folder can set its permissions to allow users or a group of users to access and edit it. Public folders offer an easy way to share folders and items. It is easy to organize shared content as the hierarchy of public folders will be visible to the other users.


Shared Folders and Public Folders offer some of the same features. The main difference is that Public Folders are visible by everyone by default while Shared Folders must first be opened by a user before becoming visible in the Folder Navigation Panel.