2. Admin Manual

In this manual, instructions are provided to the Administrator in order to install and configure Kopano Files on a working WebApp server. It is assumed all network drives to which Files will connect to, are accessible from the WebApp server.

2.1. Installation

The Kopano Files plugin can be installed through the packages below. These are available through the Kopano Files repositories.

  • kopano-webapp-plugin-files
  • kopano-webapp-plugin-filesbackend-smb
  • kopano-webapp-plugin-filesbackend-owncloud

kopano-webapp-plugin-files adds Files as a WebApp plugin and is mandatory in order to use this functionality. By default, it allows the connection to WebDAV and FTP folders. The following two packages extends the functionality to, respectively, Samba shares and ownCloud/NextCloud accounts.

2.2. Configuration

Upon installation, the file config-files.php is created under /etc/kopano/webapp. The plugin can be configured by editing this file. Any change will be taken into account on-the-fly.


The file is a php-file. Make sure to maintain the used syntax to not break the plugin.

In this file, settings such as enabling Files by default or logging verbosity are available.


Keep in mind, that adding networks accounts must be done by users in their WebApp setting page.

2.3. Setup accounts for users

By default the accounts must be setup by the users. However the Files admin toolbox allows these network accounts to be injected in the WebApp Settings. This toolbox is available on the Kopano Stash.

  1. Select the configuration file corresponding to the account type you want to add
  2. Fill in all fields
  3. Inject the file using the command: python3 files_admin <username> –file <account-type.cfg>


Make sure python 3 is installed in order to run this toolbox.