4. Configuration

4.1. DeskApp Autodiscovery

Based on the email address of a user, DeskApp can ‘discover’ the URL of your WebApp server. This only requires a simple TXT record.


Type Name Value TTL
TXT yourserver.com kdiscover https://yourserver.com/webapp/ Automatic

4.2. Profile creation

There are two ways to create a profile in DeskApp. If no profile is configured a profile creation screen is visible. Another way to create a profile is via the DeskApp settings. In both windows profiles can be created by entering your credentials. The following fields are mandatory:

  • Profile name
  • Username
  • Password
  • WebApp address

If Autodiscovery is enabled by the administrator the email address can be used to discover the WebApp address. More information about Autodiscovery here.

The ‘use system credentials’ settings should only be enabled if the administrator has set up a ‘Single Sign-on’ environment.

Profiles can be set as default via the ‘Set as default profile’. The default profile will be shown as the first profile in the profile drop down. If ‘Automatically login with the default profile’ option is set, the default profile will be loaded after DeskApp is started.

4.3. Deployment

DeskApp offers the possibility to set up its configuration with INI-style files. This can be used for mass deployments.


Kopano DeskApp 1.3 final is needed at least.

4.3.1. Methods

Currently, there are three different methods available to import settings from an ini file.

  • commandline parameter

    Run DeskApp with --importini="<path-to-ini>", also works with UNC paths on Windows.

  • default location

    DeskApp checks whether a file called deskapp.ini exists in the user-data-dir. Default user-data-dirs are: - Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Kopano DeskApp\User Data\Default\ - Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Kopano DeskApp/User Data/Default/ - Linux: ~/.config/Kopano DeskApp/User Data/Default/

  • registry key (Windows only)

    DeskApp will also check if the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Kopano\Kopano DeskApp\importINI exists, and use its value as path to the ini. A corresponding .reg file might look like this.

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Kopano\Kopano DeskApp]

    Again local and UNC paths are supported.

4.3.2. Environment variables

In mass depoyments the usage of environment variables helps a lot, because the admin does not need to create a ini file per user. Environment variables are supported for the keys name, email, url, username and defaultDownloadLocation. To reference any environment variable available, enclose it in ‘${}’.

In a Windows environment, for example, the USERNAME variable could be used like this:


4.3.3. Format

The ini file format consists of different sections, which are described in the following paragraphs. Sections are enclosed in [name]. Comments can be added by prepending a ‘;’.

There is one important exception, which is not within a section, but at the toplevel.


The forceImport key determines whether existing settings should be overwritten, or not. Defaults to false if omitted. General section

The general section its key deafultProfile are mandatory. The other keys that can be defined here are optional. This section supports the following keys:

Key Value Description Mandatory
defaultProfile profile_n the default profile, has to exist in profiles Yes
autoLogin true|false automatically login with the default profile No
hideOnMinimize true|false hide DeskApp from the taskbar to the tray when minimized No
closeOnLogout true|false Close DeskApp with the logout button No
zoomFactor percentage zoom factor in percent No Profiles sections

Profiles are defined in the profiles sections. A profile section always follows the syntax profiles.profile_n. Where n is counting from 1. So, the section profiles.profile_1 would be the first profile and so on.

Possible keys are listed in the following table.

Key Value Description Mandatory
id profile_n id of the profile , has to match the section Yes
name string the name of the profile Yes
email emailaddress the users emailaddress No
rememberPassword true|false if the password is not remembered the user has to enter it on every login No
authType webapp|sso|basic
  • webapp: default webapp login,
  • sso: ntlm and kerberos authentication
  • basic: basic authentication
url url url to WebApp. http(s)://<host>/<path>/index.php?logon Yes
username string the user loginname, if omitted the user will be asked on first login No
password string password in cleartext, will be saved encrypted, if omitted the user will be asked on first login No Downloads Section

In the downloads section the download behaviour can be determined by the following keys.

Key Value Description Mandatory
downloadBehaviour ask|open What do do after a download No
defaultDownloadLocation folderpath the location on the filesystem where to save downloads No Language Section Spellcheck

It is possible to define mutliple languages for spellchecking in the spellcheck section. If the spellcheck languages are not set here, DeskApp will use the language of the operating system. This section only supports the key “languages[]”. It has be specified multiple times, for multiple languages. Supported languages are:

code language
af Afrikaans
bg Bulgarian
ca Catalan
cs Czech
da Danish
de German
el Greek
en-AU English (Australia)
en-CA English (Canada)
en-GB English (United Kingdom)
en-US English (United States)
es Spanish
et Estonian
fa Persian
fo Faroese
fr French
he Hebrew
hi Hindi
hr Croatian
hu Hungarian
id Indonesian
it Italian
ko Korean
lt Lithuanian
lv Latvian
nb Norwegian Bokmål
nl Dutch
pl Polish
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil)
pt-PT Portuguese (Portugal)
ro Romanian
ru Russian
sh Serbo-Croatian
sk Slovak
sl Slovenian
sq Albanian
sr Serbian
sv Swedish
ta Tamil
tg Tajik
tr Turkish
uk Ukrainian
vi Vietnamese UI Language

Possible values:

code language
de German
en-GB English (United Kingdom)
en-US English (United States)
hu Hungarian
it Italian
nb Norwegian Bokmål
nl Dutch
pt-PT Portuguese (Portugal) INI Example

; Only import if no settings are present yet

; general: automatically login with profile_1,
; do not hide on minimize and set the zoomlevel to 120%

; profile_1: profile with default WebApp authentication, taking the username
; and the first part of the emailaddress from environment variables.
; Remembers the password, after the user has entered it the first time.
name=My first DeskApp profile

; profile_2: the second profile with ntlm or kerberos authentocation against WebApp
; username and password are not needed
name=The SSO Profile

; profile_3: the third profile uses basic auth and even sets up the password.
; Keep in mind the password has to be in cleartext which might be insecure.
name=Profile 3

; downloads: download without asking where to save to the environments TEMP folder
; and open the file after downloading

; spellcheck: use german and us english for spellchecking

; ui language

4.4. Mailto

4.4.1. Example mailto


4.4.2. RFC

Read more here: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2368